FIELD CULTIVATOR Farming in the Zone
Versatile Applications
First Pass (Post-Harvest)
Fertilizer Placement
Field Finisher (Pre-Plant)
The BCW with the 22-inch Low Disturbance Fallow Sweep (LDFS) represents the pinnacle of modern tillage practices for today’s producers. The LDFS excels in various operations, including the first pass after harvest and pre-plant preparation. It functions similarly to a V-Plow blade, leaving 80% of residue on the surface while eliminating 100% of green vegetation.
Key Features
Efficient Tillage: The 22” LDFS requires up to 25% less horsepower per foot compared to a V-plow or field cultivator, resulting in significant fuel, time, and wear-and-tear savings.
Ultra Narrow Frog Design: This unique design enhances depth control and minimizes moisture loss, ensuring optimal soil conditions.
Optional Fertilizer Tube: Ideal for precise fertilizer placement, enhancing productivity and crop yield.
Residue Management: Maintains 80% of surface residue, promoting soil health and reducing erosion.
Cost-Effective Operation: Reduced horsepower requirements directly translate to lower fuel costs and less equipment wear.
Versatile Use: Perfect for post-harvest, pre-plant field finishing, and fertilizer placement, making it an indispensable tool for modern farming.
Innovative Design: Aligns with Wako’s core principles of Innovation, Knowledge, and Design.
Proven Success
The BIG COUNTRY WAGON with the 22-inch Low Disturbance Fallow Sweep (LDFS) on 15” centers has established Wako’s significant impact in the tillage arena. This tool’s versatility and efficiency make it a trusted choice for producers seeking to implement advanced tillage practices.
3 section 31’, 34’, 37’, 39’
5 section 46’, 49’
190” Center
3 section 31’, 34’, 37’, 39’, 41’
5 section 54’, 57’, 59’, 62’
Why Choose Us
Innovation. Knowledge. Quality.
WAKO equipment is designed and developed to custom fit the diverse farming practices needed in the industry today. WAKO equipment works for every farmer of all crops whether it is potatoes, wheat, corn, soybeans, milo or any other operation using No-Till, Minimum-Till, Strip-Till, or Full-Till.
Don’t hesitate to call and talk with one of our experienced sales staff with all your questions or specials needs. 800-299-4300 or 580-234-3434 or